
Hola Deviants! For those of you that don’t know me personally I have decided to share a bit about myself so you can feel like you do until we get the chance to meet in person.

I am pretty adventurous which can either get me in trouble or turn out okay but no matter what ends in a cool story. Traveling and trying new things are two of the most important things in my life closely followed by fitness. I love working out and doing anything that is active especially if it is outside so if anyone is ever up for an adventure such as climbing or hiking hit me up. I am relatively creative and enjoying coming up with unique things. I can speak Spanish somewhat proficiently and have been told that I am not too horrible to look at. Also I enjoy long walks on the beach followed by lots of play time in the water and a cold drink from a bar afterwards.

I am the author of The Playlist, On My Mind, Awesome Artists, Adventure! and hopefully a plethora of more things soon to come. Feel free to connect with me on the usual Devious Duo channels and always stay incredible!


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